Wednesday, October 04, 2006

A Lawn ??

Bangalore is (or rather was) known for its Gardens, Lawns, Trees.

Now a days BMP is taking keen interest in developing parks. These parks contain lawns, some showy plants, shrubs... But the biggest BLUNDER they are doing is........

For every park they are developing, they are boring a well in each park. When the water table of the Bangalore city is depleting, how can BMP do such a big blunder by drawing potable ground water for watering lawns. Adding to this decreasing area of water bodies inside the city !!!

What does a lawn do other than just looking beautiful ?? The lawn needs huge amount of water... But is this lawn needed against the depleting water table ??

The BMP must plant trees in all the parks instead of the lawns.. The trees draw much less water and help in expanding the lung space for the ever growing cities... Why does BMP take such steps without proper study ?

My Post in Hindu Metro Plus


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