Friday, January 26, 2007

If humans...

Humans have been exploiting the Wealth of Mother Earth for their greediness. They have destroyed the forests, polluted the water, air, contaminated the soil, mined the mineral wealth of Earth..... They are doing irreversible damage to earth. Every one has become so selfish that they dont even care for the Earth which supports their life. Every one is after the material wealth, building big houses, converting forest land to farm lands, saving money by dumping the garbage to rivers directly.

The exploitation of earth has been going since humans came on earth. It has reached an alarming level today. From many days I getting thoughts on - if humans did not exist on earth, then....
  • The whole world would have been 'Picture Post Card' like. The pictures of Nature with Mountains, Rivers, Greenery all over.. Just imagine, the whole world would have been untouched if humans did not exist. The mountains would have been still ice capped. There would have been 'Song of Nature' playing every where.
  • Numerous species of the Animal and Plant Kingdom would have been still present. Because of the greediness to acquire more wealth, trees have been cut for their wood, elephants have been killed for their ivory, tigers, deers, leopards have been killed for their skin. Millions of sharks wouldnt have tried to swim without their fins after they have been chopped off by the Chinese and Japanese. Many bird species wouldnt have been lost forever.
  • The Ganges would have been as pure and sacred as described in the Vedas. Ganges has been identified to contains medicinal properties, but no more... Every garbage, drinage water from the Cities of Kanpur, Allahabad, Varanasi joins Ganges. There would not have been human dead bodies, which are thrown into the Ganges. Apart from these the Ganges wouldn't have been carrying huge amount of flowers which the devotees throw. Every river on earth would (specially Indian Rivers) have been as pure as Ganges.
  • The 'Dead sea' would have been still alive in future. The 'Dead sea' in the border of Israel and Jordan is fed by the river Jordan and without any outlet, making it saltier and saltier. With Israel and Jordan blocking every drop of the river, it is not far when 'Dead sea' will permanently die.
  • Most of the forests of Karst Plateau of Slovenia would have been still there, if they wouldnt have been chopped down long ago to provide the wooden pylons on which the city of Venice now stands. There wouldnt have been Chernobyl disaster, four square kilometres of pine forest in the immediate vicinity of the reactor wouldnt have gone ginger brown and died.
  • Africa's biggest lakes, Lake Victoria, Lake Tanganayika wouldn't have been shrinking because of enroachment by humans to convert their banks into farmlands. In order to encash the demand for the ornamental flowers in Europe and around the world, people in Kenya have encroached the banks of these lakes to ensure permanent supply of water. The surface area of these lakes are decreasing at an alarming rate.
  • Antartica wouldn't have to bear the brunt of the harmful UV Rays entering its atmosphere because of the holes created in Ozone layer by the emission of green house gases from some where else on earth. Arctic many icebergs would have been still retained from melting due to increase of temperature on earth.
  • The rivers would have been flowing as they were flowing thousands of years ago without any blockage in between. Millions of dams around the earth have defaced the flow the of rivers resulting in drowing of thick forests into their back waters, Earth quakes and leaving the places downstream high and dry.
  • Many places on earth would have been still natural without the massive holes created by Humans to mine the mineral wealth and later abandoning them with the not-so fertile soil covering the fertile ones causing hindrance for the growth of vegetation, resulting in deserts. The rocks of the Earth wouldn't have been defaced to supply the demand for stones in building huge Dams, houses. Large cities of Earth Sao Paulo, New York, Tokyo, Bombay, London wouldn't have created 'Scars' on Earth's surface. With humans encroaching on the sea surface by dumping the soil got by clearing an entire hill to build airports, high rise buildings, the sea shores at many places have been defaced.
  • The ground water table wouldn't have gone down, if every household boring a well to extract the ground water without any attempt to refill it. The ground water could have been still retained partially if at least the lakes wouldnt have been filled up.
  • ..... ....
  • .... ...
The list is endless. The damage is irreversible.......


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dont worry about earth worry about your picture perfect example and notice it required man to make it picture perfect (eg straight lines of trees)

ps worring is as usefull as chewing bubblegum to help solve and algebra equation.

Also if there is no man to apreciate nature their is no purpose for nature because only man concieves of value in his mind.

Yes it is beautiful, in that much you are right, but do you know why it is???

6:38 PM  
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