Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Evolution of God !!

Through some links, I landed in Judaism page in Wikipedia. I had never read about Jews or Judaism, which has a long history from Jesus Christ to Holocaust. I read through the wikipedia pages for Christianity, Islam, Zorastrianism. I always had a question - how Hinduism has got so many Gods ?
Have you also ever wondered, how Hinduism has got so many Gods ? where as Islam, Judaism or Christianity have got only one God !!

In Discovery of India, Nehru says about the Vedas -
"The Vedas were simply meant to be a collection of existing knowledge of the day; they are a jumble of many thing: hymns, prayers, ritual for sacrifice, magic, magnificient nature poetry. There is no idolatry in them; no temples for Gods."
Specifically about the Rig Veda, he says -
"The Rig Veda, the first of the Vedas, is probably the earliest book that human possesses. In it we can find outpourings of the human mind, the glow of poetry, the rupture at nature's loveliness and mystery".

This made me think then who created those numerous Gods ?
Gods have evolved with the human civilization. Every Epic has added Gods. The forces of Nature have been personified and the Gods have born. Every force of Nature Fire, Wind, Rain are depicted as Gods. Later, the principles of life have also been personified to make a model human being, and epics have been written around them, so that people follow them and worship them as God. Depicting the Nature as Human Gods is also there in Old Greek Religion.

Islam, Judaism, Christianity have only one God, with the principles of life documented in Quran, Torah and the Bible respectively, without creating a model human being with all those principles. Bhagavadgeetha also preaches the principles of life. Advaita also says about the oneness of God - Brahman, the supreme reality.

All the religions of the world worship God in their own way. Then are the Gods of each religion different ? Aren't we all worshipping the same forces of Nature and the principles of life directly or indirectly? or have we forgot that we are worshipping the Nature and the principles of life?

Why are people fighting for their Gods, when their Gods are one and the same !!

What is your opinion on this ?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My opinion is this. People may make up different attributes they need or like (in a statue for example, strength- so they make muscles, verile- so they make sex organs, wise- so they make big eyes, etc), then they worship it. But since they created their own god, in actuality they are worshipping themselves.

Usually these people are uncomfortable with the idea of a God that created all that is seen and unseen and is all powerful because that would mean they are not in control. - my opinion

10:02 AM  
Blogger Chax said...

hey vinay. Didn't know you blog. nice posts. hope your new work is giving you more satisfaction.

My belief, (there is no logic for whatever reasons) is that God is the conscious force that is there in all of us. We all together become God. What is prayer but a powerful concentrated wish ? Our own combined faith manifests itself in many ways to help us. We give it a name and worship it so that it can be strengthened. This goes on in a loop.

7:46 PM  
Blogger Vinay said...

Hi Chakravarti..
I am fine. doing good.

Nice to see your comments.

I think your belief adds to the idea of worshipping the Nature, as everybody of us is part of the Nature. Thanks for your comments !!

12:40 PM  

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